Technical and Vocational Education and Training

The British Columbia Aboriginal Training Employment Alliance Members (BCATEAM) is a network of fourteen Indigenous Skills Employment Training Strategy (ISETS) holder organizations in British Columbia. These organizations design and deliver employment programs and services for all Aboriginal people, including:

  • skills development;
  • training for high-demand jobs;
  • job finding;
  • programs for youth;
  • programs for urban and Aboriginal people with disabilities;
  • and access to child care.

The Canadian Forces Aboriginal Entry Program aims to facilitate the selection and enrolment of Aboriginal people who are interested in full-time employment in the Canadian Forces by acquainting them with military training prior to making a formal commitment to enlist.

The Summer Training Program provides Aboriginal youth with summer employment that offers a combination of military training and First Nations cultural awareness.

The ISETS holders are able to provide funding for programs and supports in partnership with the bands.  For more information please contact the ISET holder in your region.

Various employment services are also offered through work WorkBC:

  • Workshops
  • Training
  • Job Placement Services
  • Financial Supports