Types of Post-Secondary Institutions
BC has many different types of post-secondary institutions, including public and private colleges, universities, and institutions. A good summary of all the post-secondary institutions in BC is provided on the British Columbia Council on Admissions & Transfer website.
University: An educational institute designated as such under the University Act. Universities are able to confer all levels of degrees – bachelor, master, and doctoral. Universities tend to be the larger colleges or institutes. BC’s older universities have a greater focus on research, while BC’s newer universities focus more on teaching. Both research and teaching universities offer Undergraduate Programs: Include all academic programs at a post-secondary institute up to and including bachelor degree programs and Graduate Programs: Typically require a bachelor’s degree as a pre-requisite, and include programs at the masters and doctoral levels, graduate-level degree programs. Some offer professional programs and continuing studies.
College: An educational institute designated as such under the BC Colleges and Institutes Act. Under the Act, the purpose of a college is to provide comprehensive:
Courses of study at the first and second-year levels of a bachelor’s degree program;
Courses of study for an applied bachelor degree program;
Post-secondary education;
Adult education;
Continuing education; provide courses and programs in trades, vocational, career technical, and academic studies. Colleges offer Certificate:
A Provincial credential typically offered at the undergraduate level. A relatively short program (usually one year or less). May not ladder into a degree program, certificate, Diploma: A Provincial credential typically offered at the undergraduate level. Longer than a certificate, focused on training for employment, and typically taken full-time. May not ladder into a degree program, diploma, Associate Degree:
A Provincial credential offered by many institutions in the BC Transfer system. Comprises of two years of university-level study in a variety of areas. Typically will ladder into a degree program. For more information, refer to the BC Transfer Guide. associate, or Applied Degree:
Is typically vocational (training) vs. theoretical, although theoretical work may be part of the coursework. Typical programs combine an element of training with an element of creativity, for example, a bachelor of broadcasting applied degree programs. Some programs enable you to transfer to university to complete an undergraduate degree.
Each of the three provincial Institute:
An educational institute designated as such under the BC Colleges and Institutes Act. Under the Act, the purpose of:
Providing courses of instruction in technological and vocational matters and subjects;
Providing course of instruction at the bachelor and applied master degree level ;
Performing other functions designated by the Minister.
Institutes has a different focus: BC Institute of Technology focuses on trades and technology, the Justice Institute of BC focuses on public safety, and Nicola Valley Institute of Technology is BC’s Aboriginal public post-secondary institution. Institutes offer a range of credentials, from certificates to degrees.
Aboriginal-controlled post-secondary institutes
Aboriginal-Controlled Post-Secondary Institutes:
In BC, Aboriginal-controlled post-secondary institutes are not-for-profit, community-based schools which are governed by their communities and work to serve the educational needs of adult Aboriginal learners in their community (or communities). Aboriginal controlled post-secondary institutes offer a broad spectrum of courses and programs that include: college and university programs leading to certificates, diplomas, and degrees; Adult Basic Education leading to the Adult Dogwood Diploma for secondary school completion; language instruction; occupation specific training and upgrading; and a broad spectrum of lifespan learning programs that support Aboriginal people, communities, languages, and cultures. Many Aboriginal controlled post-secondary institutes in BC are members of the Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association (IAHLA).’]Aboriginal-controlled post-secondary institutes play an important role in the BC post-secondary education system. These institutes are community-based and Aboriginal-controlled, meaning they are better able to offer learners a strong cultural foundation with community-based supports.
Many Aboriginal institutes belong to the Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association (IAHLA). IAHLA institutes offer a broad range of courses and programs, from Adult Basic Education to college and university programs leading to certificates, diplomas, and degrees.