Former Children and Youth in Care
Tuition Fee Waivers, Bursaries and Awards
A Guide to: Scholarships, Bursaries, Tuition Waivers & Awards provides a comprehensive list of financial supports available to former children and youth in and from government care in British Columbia attending BC public post-secondary institutions.
The government of BC offers a Provincial Tuition Waiver Program, which supports B.C. students who are former youth in care who are attending either full-time or part-time studies at a B.C. public post-secondary institution, Native Education College or one of 10 eligible union trades training centres.
1. Tuition Fee Waivers are available for former children and youth in care attending public post-secondary institutions in BC.
Eligible students are:
- residents of British Columbia; or
- have been placed in another province under a Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) or Delegated Aboriginal Agency (DAA) Interprovincial Placement Agreement;
- are studying full- or part-time at a BC public post-secondary institution; the Native Education College or one of 10 approved trades training providers;
- aged between 19 to 26 years; or
- aged 17 or 18 years, and have graduated from high school and are no longer in care of MCFD; and
- formerly in any BC MCFD or DAA Legal Status or Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction Child in Home of Relative.
Students can apply through their financial aid office.
2. The Youth Educational Assistance Fund for former youth in care (YEAF) is a non-repayable grant of up to a maximum of $5,500 per year. Students between the ages of 19 – 24 can apply for this grant up to four times to help offset the cost of their education.
To be eligible, you must also be:
- A full-time student or a student with a permanent disability studying at a 40 percent course load.
- Registered to take post-secondary-level courses from a designated post-secondary institution in an eligible program leading to a certificate, diploma or degree that is at least 12 weeks long.
3. The Youth Futures Education Fund (YFEF) supports former children and youth in care with non-tuition living expenses such as housing, food and transportation. Students receiving a tuition waiver or bursary through their institution may be eligible for this funding and should apply through their financial aid office.
4. If you’ve been in foster care or had a Youth Agreement, you may qualify for the Agreements with a Young Adult (AYA) program to help cover the cost of things like housing, child care, tuition and health care while you go back to school, or attend rehabilitation, vocational or approved life skills program.
There are also resources on post-secondary funding opportunities for former children in care on the websites of the Adoptive Families Association of BC and the Foster Parent Support Services Society. One of the handy resources is AgedOut, which has information about planning for your education, finding housing, getting id and other practical matters.