Child Care

The BC Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) programs offer quality child care and community referrals, resources, and support to child care providers and families across BC. For more information, contact the CCRR Region where your post-secondary institution is located:

child care options in BC
CCRR also has a number of resources explaining child care options in BC. For a good overview, check out their publication, “Parents’ Guide to Selecting and Monitoring Child Care in BC”.
The Ministry of Children and Family Development website has information on child care subsidy programs, and has a search engine of licensed daycares, preschools, and out of school care services across the province.
Aboriginal Head Start is an early intervention preschool program designed for Aboriginal children. This holistic program provides support in culture and language, education and school readiness, health promotion, nutrition, social support, and parent and family involvement. There are 12 Aboriginal Head Start programs across the province.